


I bought “Introduction to Rust Language” and had been studying it. As for pronunciation, I could pronounce “edge voice” and felt my throat was relaxed a little.

From Thursday, I went back to home with my baby. I had not study anything in home.

Sun, Feb 14, 2021

It’s a beautiful day today. I took my baby to the park and we relaxed on the grass.

Yesterday I tried to implement a API client with Rust. I successed to sending GET and get json data. But now, I can’t convert with using Generics.

And today, I’ve learned it and my program progressed.

Mon, Feb 15, 2021

It was rainy. We had an earthquake two days ago, and Fukushima was damaged much. This rain might cause a second disaster.

I tried to handle Rust in a cloud server. So, I have to end up learning AWS. And I want to learn Rust more, so I will buy the Japanese books about Rust and AWS.

As for voice training. I learned “Edge voide.” I couldn’t do it when I watched the youtube video about it. Before I learned “lip roll” too. I will try to make those my daily routine.

Tue, Feb 16, 2021

I was surprised my baby could open sliding doors by himself these days.

Vocal lesson trial - I refered yesterday - was not held because the teacher forgotten it! She explained her child got sick and it caught her all attention.

I dictated the following video.

This week’s idiom sounds painful, not so smart. But, What does it mean in the conversation? Let’s listen.

How did your job interview go yesterday?

I really shot myself in the foot.

Oh, No. What was happened?

I couldn’t size my old both would turn to be a interviewer’s mother.

Oh, You know you might get the jobs, right?

To “shoot yourself in the foot” means, to do something foolish that causes harm to yourself.

You don’t mean to, of course, but it happens anyway.

This week’s idiom sounds painful, and not so smart. But, What does it mean in a conversation? Let’s listen.

How did the job interview go yesterday?

I really shot myself in the foot.

Oh, No. What happened?

I criticized my old ** boss who turned out** to be the interviewer’s mother.

Um, You know you’re not getting that job, right?

To “shoot yourself in the foot” means, to do something foolish that causes harm to yourself.

You don’t mean to, of course, but it happens anyway.

Wed, Feb 17, 2021

I have been reading the book “Introducing to Rust language” since yesterday. Now, I have read it until Chapter 2. I will study the essential function tomorrow.

And I can pronounce the “edge voice” today. This year, I figured out that I’m not good at breathing. So, I will try to improve how to breathe.

    Kobori Akira

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