
I studied English and Rust this week.

To practice with ELSA and to write and record a daily diary are getting my night routine. I want to continue for a year.

As for Rust, I learned concurrency(multi-threads) this week, but I couldn’t use it efficiently. My mentor is reviewing my solution now, and then I will rewrite and re-submit my solution next week.

The Packers beaten the Rams this week, and they will face the Buccaneers tomorrow. The contents of my diary from tomorrow is depending on that result. I hope to write happy sentences.

Sun, Jan 17, 2021

I woke up before seven to watch the game, Packers vs. Rams. I love Green Bay, so I was so glad they beat Los Angels Rams.

The offense line was MVP, even though we might miss their playing. They continued to fight in the match. This is why Aaron Rodgers is protected by the No.1 pass rush in NFL.

Another game, Bills vs. Ravens, was held after this game. As well as last year’s playoff season, It was a tough game for Lamar Jackson, one of the best quarterbacks. Some fans might say, “Jackson can’t play in an important game.” He is capable of having a Superbowl ring, but he might leave the field without it in his career.

Mon, Jan 18, 2021

My baby boy turned 9 months old, and is able to eat harder foods than before. He also got too large for his car seat, so I took off the back so he would have more space.

Today’s playoff game in NFL is two, Chiefs vs. Browns and Saints vs. Buccaneers.

Kansas City leaded Cleveland with over 10 points in the first half, but Cleveland was closing within 1 possession after Mahomes was out with a concussion. After 2-minutes-warning in the final quarter, Browns would get a chance to come from behind if they stopped Cheifs offense. But actually, Henne, the backup quarterback scrambled for 13 yards and completed a short pass, then got a winning first down.

This season’s third match between Saints and Buccaneers was watched by all NFL fans. I expected New Orleans to beat Tampa Bay, but Brees made 3 intercepts - Though, some of them were the receiver’s fault, and They left the field.

Now, my favorite team, Packers will face Buccaneers. Green Bay was literally beaten in the regular season. Rodgers and his teammates now have a chance to get their revenge for their defeat. I hope the Packers will beat Bucs and go to the Superbowl.

Thu, Jan 19, 2021

I took my baby boy for a walk in the evening today.

I heard that Babies like the same route. While, I had been taking him to difference places to make him fun. I learned that babies hope to see the same view when he comes to the same place.

Wed, Jan 20, 2021

I woke up before seven. Because my baby boy did at about six. He usually sleeps little, but today, he was sleeping for over 2 hours in the afternoon.

I tried AtCoder today. I could solve basic tasks, but couldn’t do advanced tasks at all.

At night, I posted a article about the last week’s playoff game, vs. Rams. I will have to write a preview of the Buccaneers game, until the game is held. I will watch Buccaneers vs. Saints at first.

Tur, Jan 21, 2021

I wrote a preview of the Conference Championship of NFC, Packers vs. Buccaneers. I will write that details tomorrow.

In the afternoon, My family went to the park. We bought some foods in the nearby bakery and had them in the park. My baby ate a little piece of a pain de mie.

I solved Rust tasks, too. Today’s task is a little difficult, so it took about an hour.

Fri, Jan 22, 2021

My wife went out in the afternoon, so I took my baby for a walk in the nearby park.

He seemed to figure out that I picked up his toy when he threw it. Then He enjoyed it, so he threw it time and time.

At night, I started to learn Concurrency. It seems so difficult, so I will study for a week.

Sat, Jan 23, 2021

I have been studying Concurrency with Rust since yesterday. But I can’t figure out the solution to the sample task. I want multi-threads to share the mutable value. But I can’t implement it like that but create the value in each thread, so it doesn’t process correctly.

The day after tomorrow, we can watch the game, Packers vs. Buccaneers. It will be the best game in this season because each No.12 is “GOAT.” In Japan, They will hold that game at 5 AM. Therefore, I started to go to bed earlier today so that I can get up when the game begins.

    Kobori Akira

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